If you’re a new seller to Amazon, you might wonder whether you should join the Amazon Brand Registry program. The truth is that it’s not mandatory to join the brand registry program. However, if you operate a brand, then not joining the program comes with several risks.
There are several benefits to the Brand Registry program that sellers shouldn’t avoid. But, does that make the program mandatory if a business wants to stay competitive on Amazon? Every brand must make that decision for itself, so we’ll provide clarity on the program below.
Before getting into the Amazon Brand Registry program details, here’s a helpful resource for brands making the transition to selling online.
Emplicit helps brands start selling on Amazon. We’ve created a practical guide known as the Ultimate Amazon Playbook, which sellers should read if they’re looking to take their sales to the next level.
With tips and recommendations for improving your sales and avoiding costly mistakes, brands should not miss the opportunity to download this helpful resource. Access your copy of the ultimate Amazon playbook here.
Now let’s get into whether the brand registry program is required to sell on Amazon.
Is Brand Registry Required On Amazon?
A quick answer to whether you need to join the brand registry program on Amazon is no. Brands that have not registered for the program can still succeed as Amazon retailers.
With that in mind, if you already owned a trademark for your brand, then the brand registry program will protect your business.
There are several risks that the brand registry program helps companies mitigate, which include:
- Other seller’s unauthorized or inauthentic listings of your products. Sellers also refer to this as a hijacked listing.
- Sellers providing similar products to your brands to reduce the price.
- Sellers dropping all product values in a category, requiring your brand to lower costs to compete.
While the program doesn’t prevent other sellers from selling products identical or similar to yours, as you can tell, it comes with several protections.
But why do brands try the brand registry program in the first place, and what are the benefits for Amazon sellers? Let’s discuss these points in detail.
Why Consider ABR For Your Brand On Amazon
What exactly is the Amazon Brand Registry, and why does it matter? Essentially, the brand registry program provides tools for brand owners that protect their business while selling on the leading e-commerce platform.
Some of the benefits businesses can expect once approved for the brand registry program include:
- A more effortless ability to protect trademark rights as an Amazon seller.
- Unique tools such as Amazon stores and additional advertising options only for brands.
- Access to A+ content, which makes it easier to differentiate your brand from your competition.
With these benefits in mind, It’s easy to understand why brands should join the program. It gives businesses access to advanced features that companies without registered brands cannot access.
If you want to remain competitive on Amazon as a brand, consider joining the Brown registry program.
How Long Does It Take For Amazon To Approve You?
For brands who have recently applied to the Amazon Brand Registry program and those considering joining, it’s good to know how long it will take for Amazon to approve you to the program.
With that in mind, there’s no one size fits all answer. The process for joining the program can take anywhere from two weeks to one year. But why does it take so long for Amazon to approve you?
Well, the answer is that the approval process from Amazon only takes two weeks. Receiving a trademark is the step which takes a long time.
However, that’s only for companies that have already registered their brand trademark. Because the United States patent and trademark office can take up to one year to provide a business trademark, joining the Brand Registry program can take that long as well.
Fortunately, brands can work with a select group of attorneys in Amazon’s IP Accelerator program. By working with a patent and trademark lawyer on Amazon’s brand registry list, you can receive temporary acceptance into the brand registry program. At the same time, you wait for The USPTO to approve your request.
Selling Unbranded Products On Amazon (No ABR)
What are unbranded products on Amazon? Is it possible to sell them as a retailer that hasn’t joined the brand registry program?
Let’s go over selling unbranded products on Amazon and why it’s in your best interest to join the brand registry program as quickly as possible.
Amazon Brand Registry: The Rules Around Trademarks
The most important requirement to join the Amazon Brand Registry program is to have a registered trademark for your business.
Businesses that do not currently have a trademark have several options. They can apply using the IP Accelerator program, apply for their trademark individually and wait, or avoid the brand registry program altogether.
Let’s assume that a seller wants to promote products on Amazon without joining the brand registry program. In this case, what steps would the seller take to list and promote unbranded products? Here’s what to know about unbranded products on Amazon.
What Does “Unbranded” Mean On Amazon?
“Unbranded products” refers to sellers who promote products without being members of the Amazon Brand Registry program.
Amazon makes it more difficult to add products that feature your brand name when you’re not in the Brand Registry program.
However, it’s not impossible to avoid brand registration. Here are the hoops you should be prepared to jump through.
How To List Unbranded Items
What are the steps for adding product listings without brand registration? While you’re building your listing, you’ll need to contact seller support.
Are you wondering “how do I sell on Amazon without a brand registry?” Here are the steps for adding your listing:
- Open a seller support case and providing the area code 5665.
- Explain that you manufacture a specific product that needs an exemption from the brand registry program.
- Attach images of the product and packaging, which clearly show your brand name.
- Suppose the product in the packaging has neither your brand name nor specific branding. In that case, you must list your product as generic while creating a new listing.
While this process isn’t complicated, like many things on Amazon, it is time-consuming. It’s especially the case if your brand has an extensive product catalog that you’re looking to add to Amazon.com.
If you can join the brand registry program, it’s an excellent idea for several reasons that we will outline below.
Can You Sell Unbranded Products On Amazon?
The quick answer to this question is yes. The longer answer is yes, but you shouldn’t. Unfortunately, there are too many risks to Selling generic products on the dating e-commerce store.
Amazon will make it difficult for you to add products to the platform under a brand name without being in the Amazon Brand Registry program.
Why Branding Is Worth The Effort…
Don’t let other sellers hijack your product listings because of a failure to join the brand registry program.
If you want to join the Brown registry program and want to make it as easy as possible, Sunken Stone is here to help.
Please see our Amazon Brand Management page for more information on managing the process for you. And don’t forget to download the Ultimate Amazon Playbook, which gives new sellers tons of knowledge about selling on the leading e-commerce website.
The Amazon Brand Registry program might take a lot of work if you have not yet registered a trademark. However, it will help you stay more competitive on the platform and protect your business assets from the fraudulent activity of other sellers.