Save time and money by using FlatFilePro today
Fix your Amazon product listing problems in as little as 90 seconds, with 3 easy steps:
1. Sign up and connect to your Amazon Seller Central account.
2. Automatically backup your listing data and identify errors.
3. Follow the prompts to fix errors and get products back live and selling.
Start your free 30-day trial today.
Avoid these Amazon seller issues with FlatFilePro
Listing Downtime
Imagine working on the perfect product listing only to have it break when you hit publish.
No matter how much work your marketing team puts into a quality title, A+ content, and a description, it won’t matter if Amazon suppresses your inactive or incomplete listings.
FlatFilePro will alert you to any broken listings and provide errors details so you can ensure your product pages are up and running in no time.
Listing Errors
Adding, editing, or deleting Amazon listing information using a flat file is challenging, especially when you have many products. A simple inaccurate field or missing piece of data can generate listing errors which are difficult to track down and fix.
FlatFilePro’s listing error report makes it easy to detect and correct errors in your inventory files before uploading them to Amazon and avoid having to decipher Amazon’s error messages.
If you have multiple employees working on your Amazon listings, errors can creep in while uploading product information. Flat File Pro enables you to track what changes were made to listing data, when they were made, and who made them. Although FlatFilePro won’t stop people making errors, it enables you to identify and fix the errors quickly and easily, rather than wasting hours looking at each individual listing to determine who did what, and when.
Lengthy Listing Management
Creating product listings manually takes a significant amount of time, and often involves lots of troubleshooting. There are scores of elements that comprise a winning product listing. Images, videos, product titles, descriptions, Q&As, review responses, and A+ content, across several sections of a product listing need to be kept up to date. With multiple products across multiple markets, maintaining flat files becomes a serious time suck.
With FlatFilePro, you can quickly and easily create, edit, or delete listings for your products in bulk. It automates many of the tasks and enables rapid variation creation with different colors, sizes, or styles. And uploading product data is as simple as hitting a button. You can even make changes to multiple listings across multiple Amazon marketplaces at once.
Product Data Loss
Clients can spend hundreds of hours over months perfecting multiple product listings, ensuring they contain accurate data and meet all Amazon regulations, only for the wrong inventory file to be uploaded and override the existing listing data. When listings are updated over time, often there is no accurate ‘source of truth’ record of the listings.
FlatFilePro creates a secure backup of your product listings, so you can quickly revert to a previous backup of your listing data to ensure that you always have the most up-to-date and accurate information.